Digital Ascension: Digital Marketing Strategies of Skytrax 5 Star Airlines


In this study, some digital marketing strategies that are decisive in attracting customers and building loyalty in the airline industry, where competition is intense today, are discussed. In the digital age we are in, the success of airlines depends on effective digital marketing strategies. In the research, firstly, the concept of digital marketing is analysed and the status of the airline industry in this digital transformation is discussed. This study is designed to understand the digital marketing activities of airlines rated with 5 stars by Skytrax. The websites of 10 airline companies awarded with 5 stars by Skytrax were analysed and scored according to 10 criteria. The scoring process of the websites was conducted simultaneously by 3 evaluators. According to these evaluations, the highest score was 77 and the lowest score was 50. Within the scope of the research, 40% of the airline companies scored below the average. In the examination of the websites, Qatar Airways scored 77 points, Cathay Pacific Airways 75 points and EVA Air 65 points and were determined to be the 3 highest airline companies. Japan Airlines received 52 points, All Nippon Airways 51 points and Korean Air 50 points, making them the lowest 3 airline companies.

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Keke, M. (2024) Digital Ascension: Digital Marketing Strategies of Skytrax 5 Star Airlines. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 12, 57-74. doi: 10.4236/jss.2024.125005.

1. Introduction

In today’s increasingly competitive airline industry, aviation has its own unique characteristics. While aviation creates high value for customers and other stakeholders, profit margins are generally low. In addition to the benefits that aviation provides to the economy, it has positive effects directly or indirectly for many stakeholders. Aviation is surrounded by different environments such as economic, ecological, social, technological, and political. Each environment has an impact on the aviation system and is affected simultaneously (Wittmer & Bieger, 2021) .

The website is a useful tool for airline companies as it serves as a basic task for customers to access information, make bookings and interact with the company (Al-Fadly, 2016) . Furthermore, a well-designed and user-friendly website can enhance the overall customer experience and perception of the airline brand. It allows customers to easily search, book flights, check-in online, manage bookings, access important travel information such as flight status and baggage policies (Gunawan et al., 2023) . A website also provides airlines with the opportunity to highlight their unique selling points such as superior service offerings, inflight amenities, and loyalty programmes (Effendi & Alfina, 2014) . A well-optimised website will also help airlines attract potential customers through search engine optimisation techniques (Tandon et al., 2019) .

Today, as competition increases in the airline industry, the digital marketing strategies of airline companies rated 5 stars by Skytrax are critical in attracting customers and creating loyalty. This article is designed to understand the digital successes of leading companies in the industry and shed light on the strategies behind these successes.

In the fast-paced and technologically advanced world we live in, it has become imperative for airlines to adopt digital marketing strategies to remain competitive. As seen in Skytrax 5-star airline companies, these strategies have the power to significantly affect companies’ ability to attract and retain customers. These strategies also contribute to the brand image of airlines.

One of the key elements of the digital marketing strategy of Skytrax 5-star airlines is their websites. These websites serve as online platforms where customers can easily access information about the airlines’ services, make bookings, stay updated with the latest news and promotions. Websites should be designed to provide an easy-to-use, visually attractive, seamless, and intuitive user experience. In addition, like many other businesses, Skytrax 5-star airlines use various social media platforms in addition to their own websites to interact and connect with their target audience. They create compelling content, such as travel tips, destination guides, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into airline operations. Through social media, Skytrax 5-star airlines can interact with their customers, address their concerns or inquiries, and provide real-time updates on flight status or any changes in services. Mobile applications are also an integral part of the digital marketing strategy for Skytrax 5-star airlines. These apps allow customers to easily access their flight information, check in online, track their baggage and receive personalized notifications about their journey. By utilizing these digital marketing strategies, Skytrax 5-star airlines can effectively engage with their target audience, enhance their brand image, and gain a competitive edge in the airline industry.

In addition to their own online presence, 5-star airlines must consider customer feedback and reviews provided by rating organisations such as “Skytrax”. This will allow them to better recognise the power of word-of-mouth marketing and its impact on potential customers. Airlines should therefore continuously check and analyse customer feedback to find areas for improvement and address issues promptly. Skytrax 5-star airlines show their commitment to providing exceptional service and continuously improving the customer experience. By prioritizing customer feedback and reviews, Skytrax 5-star airlines can not only strengthen their brand reputation but also build trust and loyalty among their passengers. Overall, the digital marketing strategies of Skytrax 5-star airlines revolve around creating a seamless online experience through their websites and mobile apps, using social media to engage with customers, prioritizing customer feedback and reviews. This allows them to effectively reach their target audience, enhance their brand image, and build strong customer relationships in the competitive airline industry.

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence and effective digital marketing strategies is crucial for Skytrax 5-star airlines. Because airlines need to connect with their target audience, build brand awareness and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Digital marketing allows Skytrax 5-star airlines to reach a global audience and target specific demographics through various online channels such as websites, social media platforms, email marketing, and mobile apps. They can highlight their exceptional services, unique features, and luxurious amenities through captivating content, visually appealing images, and engaging videos. Furthermore, digital marketing enables Skytrax 5-star airlines to personalize their marketing messages, tailor them to the preferences and needs of their audience. This personalized approach helps to increase customer engagement, foster loyalty, and generate repeat business. By using digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and social media advertising, Skytrax 5-star airlines can increase their online visibility, drive website traffic, and generate leads. They can also track and analyse the performance of their digital marketing campaigns to identify areas for improvement and optimize their strategies for better results.

Airlines’ digital marketing strategies are critical to attracting customers and building loyalty (Abu-Dalbouh, 2020) . The purpose of this paper is to analyse the digital marketing activities of 5-star Skytrax rated airlines. The websites of 10 airlines awarded 5 stars by Skytrax were analysed and scored according to 10 criteria.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to the use of digital technologies, such as websites, social media platforms, mobile applications, and search engines, to promote products or services and engage with customers (Hairuddin et al., 2021) . Digital marketing is an umbrella term for any type of online marketing including SEO, PPC, email marketing, content marketing and social media marketing (Kotane et al., 2019) . It is a strategic marketing approach that utilizes various digital channels and tactics to reach and engage with target audiences, drive brand awareness, generate leads, and convert customers. By leveraging the power of digital channels, businesses can effectively connect with their target audience in a more personalized and targeted way (Subramanian et al., 2018) . In today’s digital landscape, businesses need to have a strong online presence to stay competitive and connect with their target audience. Digital marketing allows businesses to reach their target audiences in innovative ways, increase brand visibility, track and measure campaign performance, and ultimately drive business growth (Hairuddin et al., 2021) .

Businesses need to stay up to date on the latest digital marketing trends and tactics to effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals (Sakas et al., 2021) . Digital marketing is an essential part of any modern marketing strategy as it allows businesses to reach their target audience in new and innovative ways (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014) . Digital marketing is a constantly evolving field that requires businesses to stay up to date with the latest trends and strategies. Businesses need to understand their target market and how they are using digital technology to create a cohesive digital marketing strategy (Charlesworth, 2020) . Digital marketing encompasses a wide range of activities and channels that businesses can use to become more visible (Royle & Laing, 2014) .

For businesses to survive in a competitive environment and achieve their marketing goals, they need to have knowledge and adapt digital marketing strategies (Charlesworth, 2020) .

Digital marketing is a crucial aspect of modern marketing that uses digital technologies and platforms to effectively reach and engage with target audiences and build brand awareness (Ryan, 2014) .

In the airline industry, digital marketing plays a crucial role in reaching and engaging customers, especially for Skytrax 5-star airlines (Florido-Benítez, 2022) . Skytrax 5-star airlines can use digital marketing strategies to enhance customer experiences and build brand loyalty. By using social media platforms, Skytrax 5-star airlines can engage with their customers and create a sense of community. They can provide prompt updates, respond to customer inquiries and complaints, and share valuable content that relates to their brand and services. Additionally, Skytrax 5-star airlines can utilize targeted advertising on digital platforms to reach potential consumers who may be interested in their services (Subramanian et al., 2018) . Overall, digital marketing strategies for Skytrax 5-star airlines should focus on customer-centricity, brand building, personalized experiences, and engagement through platforms such as social media and the Skytrax website (Wang et al., 2023) .

2.2. Airline Industry

The airline industry is a complex and dynamic sector. It is characterized by abstract and intangible services, which makes it challenging to evaluate and differentiate airline companies based solely on tangible factors. In addition, the airline industry is highly susceptible to external factors such as economic, political, and social events, which can significantly affect its operations.

To navigate these challenges and stay competitive, airlines have increasingly turned to social media as a means of engaging with their customers and building their brands. With the rise in social media usage among passengers, airlines have recognized the need to set up a strong presence on platforms like Facebook and X (Twitter). By doing so, they can not only communicate with their customers directly but also gain valuable insights into their preferences, expectations, and behaviours (Menon et al., 2019) . This information can then be used to tailor marketing strategies and enhance the overall passenger experience. To effectively reach their diverse customer base, airlines can leverage the power of online customer-generated content. This includes encouraging passengers to share their experiences through reviews, ratings, and personal stories on social media platforms. By monitoring and analysing this online content, airlines can gain valuable insights into the critical elements of their services, such as cleanliness, staff presentation, and handling of customer complaints and feedback (Lim & Melewar, 2011) .

Furthermore, the use of social media allows airlines to provide prompt and relevant information to their customers. With the fast-paced nature of the airline industry, passengers often need real-time updates on flight schedules, delays, and other valuable information. By using social media platforms, airlines can quickly communicate with their customers and address any concerns or issues they may have (Menon et al., 2019) . In addition to customer service, airline companies also use social media as a tool for brand building and consumer engagement. Through their official social media platforms, airlines can share exciting and engaging content that displays their unique offerings and services. This can include behind-the-scenes footage, exclusive interviews with staff, and captivating images and videos of their planes and destinations. However, while social media presents many opportunities for airlines, it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest risks for airlines is the lack of control over the social media environment. Unlike traditional advertising strategies that are fully controlled by the company, social media allows for more customer involvement and can result in value destruction if customers become enraged or use the platform to spread negative experiences or opinions.

2.2.1. Increased Competition in the Airline Industry

The increased use of social media in the airline industry has also led to intensified competition among airlines. With more players in the market vying for customers’ attention and loyalty, it has become crucial for airlines to differentiate themselves and stand out from the competition.

By understanding what customers prioritize when choosing an airline, such as affordability, convenience, or luxury, airlines can tailor their marketing strategies to appeal to their target audience. For example, if customers value affordability, an airline can emphasize low fares and promotions in their marketing campaigns. On the other hand, if customers value luxury and comfort, an airline can focus on highlighting its premium services and amenities. This can be achieved through targeted advertising on social media platforms, where airlines can reach specific demographics and highlight their unique offerings (Dempster & Lee, 2015) .

Airlines can also use social media to create a sense of community and foster customer loyalty. By regularly engaging with customers on social media, airlines can build strong relationships and foster a sense of brand loyalty. Additionally, airlines can leverage technology to enhance the overall customer experience (Chen et al., 2019) . For example, some airlines have implemented mobile apps that allow passengers to easily book flights, check in, track their luggage, and receive real-time updates on their flight status.

2.2.2. The Importance of Skytrax 5-Star Rating in the Airline Industry

The Skytrax 5-Star rating is a highly prestigious recognition in the airline industry, standing for the highest level of service and quality that an airline can achieve. For airlines, obtaining a Skytrax 5-Star rating can provide a significant competitive advantage (Samah et al., 2022) . This recognition not only enhances an airline’s reputation but also instils trust and confidence in potential customers, making them more likely to choose that airline over others. Additionally, the Skytrax 5-Star rating can influence consumer buying behaviour (Agustia et al., 2020) .

The Skytrax 5-Star rating is based on a comprehensive evaluation of various aspects of an airline’s product and service quality. It takes into consideration factors such as cabin comfort, onboard amenities, inflight entertainment, meal options, customer service, and overall passenger satisfaction (Brodie et al., 2009) .

Earning a 5-Star rating from Skytrax requires the company’s relentless focus on all phases, from the moment a passenger books a ticket to the moment they step off the plane.

3. Results

3.1. Purpose and Scope

In this research, it is aimed to evaluate the basic digital marketing strategies used by Skytrax 5-star airlines and their web pages on the internet. The process of the research consists of three stages. The first stage is to decide the web addresses of the airline companies within the scope of the research. The second stage is to decide the coders and coding criteria. The last stage is the evaluation of the data obtained.

3.2. Method

Analysing the content of web pages is a fascinating and interesting environment to explore. On the other hand, it has significant risks in terms of performing a methodologically valid content analysis. The Web platform has a constantly changing, updated and interactive technology. In addition, there is no standardised format due to the assorted designs and applications on the Web. For this reason, it is an environment with difficulties in content evaluation for researchers. Therefore, many factors should be taken into consideration in such studies. The first of these is the definition of the websites to be analysed. The second is to ensure that the experts who will make the coding in the evaluation phase see the same home pages within the framework of the same criteria. Another factor is that the coder should have a full command of the literature of the research. In terms of the validity of the data, the Web environment holds two main risks. These are updating and personalisation. Because the pages may be updated at any time during the evaluation, or the coder may be faced with a personalised page unique to him/her. In addition to these, there is a need for exploratory studies that produce valid and repeated results as well as descriptive studies to increase the level of conceptual knowledge we have about the Web environment (Başfirinci, 2008) .

In the coding for the evaluation of airline companies rated with 5 stars by Skytrax within the scope of this research, the evaluation criteria developed by Özbek (2020) were utilised. The websites of 10 airline companies rated with 5 stars by Skytrax were evaluated according to 10 criteria. The maximum value that each criterion can take is 10. The coding process according to these criteria was conducted simultaneously by 3 evaluators. In other words, three evaluators coded and scored the Web pages of the airlines simultaneously and independently of each other according to the criteria given in Table 1. These data were then averaged.

Table 1. Website evaluation criteria.

Timeliness (C1): The information analysed on the website should be up to date showing the latest status of the company.

Information richness (C2): It is the ability to obtain satisfactory and sufficient information from the website.

Customer relations (C3): The availability of direct interactive forms to respond to customer requests or complaints is an important criterion.

Foreign language options (C4): A foreign language option is necessary for companies to be able to conduct their activities effectively in international dimensions.

Product catalogue (C5): The presence of product catalogues on the websites, which provide all current products and services, contributes to the companies to conduct their activities effectively.

Visual attractiveness and design (C6): The design quality, vibrancy and attractiveness of a website is one of the most basic factors that enable it to be examined.

Ease of use (C7): The information looked for should be accessed easily, quickly and with minimum effort.

Special mission or website objectives (C8): Corporate identity elements such as vision and mission should be included to ensure that customers have more confidence in the website.

Content (C9): The information contained in a website should be able to vary according to the sector and the services of the company and should be verifiable by various sources.

Perceptual clarity (C10): It is to concentrate on the points that will meet the needs of the user and to keep him away from the items that will distract his attention.

3.3. Findings

Two aims were drawn to understand which criteria and at what level the airline companies have and to decide the ratio of the collected score. The data obtained according to the scoring are presented in Table 2. The last column of the table shows the total score of each company out of 100. According to the table, the highest score is 77 and the lowest score is 50. 40% of the enterprises within the scope of the research scored below the average. On the other hand, 60 percent of the same enterprises scored above the average. According to the table, Qatar Airways received the highest score (77). Cathay Pacific ranks second with 75 points. EVA Air, ranked third, has a score of 65. In the last row of the table is Korean Air with a score of 50.

3.4. An Overview of Websites

Customer experience and service quality play a key role in the competitive world of airline companies. In this context, the 5-star rating given by Skytrax is a crucial factor deciding the international prestige of airline companies.

Table 2. Evaluation results.

All Nippon Airways (ANA) website has a design that is rarely found on other airline sites, with current news and announcements at the top. However, it is noticeable that the old announcements still exist. When we log in to the site, we meet a fixed welcome photo. There is reservation and flight status information right below. There are also suggestions and small photos of places to visit. Promotions about Japan and information about the airline are also included on the site, but the Skytrax award is found at the bottom. The site doesn’t seem to be designed in much detail. All Nippon Airways’ website has a design where current announcements are presented first, and reservation-related information is easily accessible. However, it is noteworthy that some old announcements still exist, and less detailed information is included.

The website of Asiana Airlines has a modest design. The site holds travel suggestions and information about the places to fly, but this information is quite limited. The awards they received from Skytrax are small at the bottom of the page and seem to be presented carelessly. Asiana Airlines’ website has a design for ticket sales. However, the website could provide more comprehensive information on topics such as flight points and travel advice. In addition, it seems that the awards it has received need a more effective design to attract more attention.

Cathay Pacific Airways’ website is generally well prepared. The site holds up-to-date information and announcements about flights. It has a design supported by photographs. The reservation section also appears at once. As you move down, there are introductions supported by videos and photo-supported information about the flying destinations. The photographs were used in a high-quality and aesthetic way. The site also includes information about shopping. Food information and health-related information are also provided. This is unlike other sites in that it holds health-related information. Additionally, membership information is also provided. Cathay Pacific Airways’ website is always designed to be supported by visuals, and it can be said that it is in a better condition than other airline sites.

EVA Air’s website welcomes users with large images and a design showing Skytrax awards. Like many other airline sites, it offers an interface where you can buy flight tickets, check in online and find a hotel. Popular places and ticket prices are listed at the bottom of the site. The site also includes information about the awards he received. However, not much detailed information is included. The site seems to focus more on ticket sales and information about a few destinations, while also highlighting the awards it has received. Information on inflight services and other services is limited. EVA Air’s website has a design mostly aimed at ticket sales. However, it could have provided more information about in-flight details.

Garuda Indonesia’s website has photographs holding various information along with moving images. There is a section right next to it reserved for ticket reservations. As you scroll down, various airline-related and security-related information and photos are presented. As the site progresses towards the end, it modestly includes some information about the company. However, interestingly, the 5-star award it received from Skytrax is not visible on the home page of the site.

Hainan Airlines’ website has a modest design. When users enter the site, they are greeted with several large photos. One of the details that at once attracts attention is the 5-star award it received from Skytrax. Information about ticket sales is also available on the site. Additionally, several large photographs are used to provide information about him and the awards he has received. There are also photo-supported promotions of the airport and cabin services. In general, the site has an uncomplicated design.

Japan Airlines’ (JAL) website offers informational content about flights and services at the top. Promotions are made about the plane used on the site and reservation information is also included. While information is given about the flight destinations in Japan, information about the activities to be done in these places is also included. The site also includes information about domestic and international flights. However, Japan Airlines’ website is not visually adequate. A better quality and aesthetic design could have been preferred. Japan Airlines’ website provides information about flights, services, and reservation information, as well as information about flight destinations in Japan and activities to be done at these destinations. However, it has a design that can be improved visually.

Korean Air’s website has a remarkably plain design. When users log in to the site, reservation information and flight information appear at once. When you scroll down a little further, there are a few photos and information. In addition, the site also includes up-to-date information and warnings. The Skytrax award also has a small presence at the bottom of the site, but its attention appeal is limited. In general, this site can be described as one of the most modestly designed among other airline sites.

Qatar Airways’ website has a more prominent design than others. Customers encounter the booking sections immediately upon entering the site. The photographs used are of high quality and beautifully placed. Additionally, information about Qatar Airways’ is also included. The site also includes the destinations the airline flies to and flight prices. Each flight point is presented and enriched with visuals. Qatar Airways’ website has an attractive design and offers the opportunity to make reservations. The quality of the photographs and the inclusion of information about Qatar Airways’ is remarkable. Additionally, a visually rich presentation was made about flight destinations and prices. The Skytrax award is also found at the bottom of the page. The site generally offers a user-friendly and nice experience.

Singapore Airlines’ website, like other sites, welcomes us with information on the big picture. Reservations and ticket sales are at once accessible. Photo-supported information about the flying destinations is also included on the page. At the same time, prices can be seen just below. Site, Singapore He also included news about Airlines. The award he received from Skytrax is at the bottom of the site. The site could have a more improvable design. There are also warnings and information flowing at the top of the site.

Skytrax allowed us to show the strengths and weaknesses of each company on the digital platform. While EVA Air and Qatar Airways stand out with their aesthetic design and information presentation, Asiana Airlines and Japan Airlines need to be enriched with more comprehensive information. While Cathay Pacific Airways attracts attention with its user-friendly design and content, Garuda Indonesia’s lack of emphasis on the Skytrax award is glaring. Although there are areas for improvement in the digital strategies of each airline company, this study contributes to our understanding of the reflections of competition in the sector in the digital arena.

Traffic of Websites and Tools Used

Website traffic and the tools used are the critical elements that decide the success of companies that effectively manage their presence on digital platforms. In this context, the number of visitors to a website, page view rates and user interaction are important metrics in assessing the impact of the online presence. Table 3 shows the total number of visits to the websites of airline companies awarded 5

Table 3. Distribution of websites visited and tools used.

Source: similar web.

stars by Skytrax between January 2023 and September 2023 and the rates of vehicles used to access these sites.

The visitors and interaction status of the websites of the airline companies awarded 5 stars by Skytrax are shown in Table 4. This table, covering the date range from Jan 2023 to Sep 2023, provides a comprehensive review to measure the performance of airline companies’ digital assets. The total Number of Visits stands out as an important indicator in deciding users’ interest and attractiveness to sites. Average Visit Duration provides valuable information about the impressiveness and appeal of the content by showing the time visitors spend on the sites. Average Pages Per Visit measures content discovery and user engagement by reflecting the average number of pages visitors navigate across sites. Bounce Rate offers important insights into first impressions and user experience by figuring out the rate at which users leave sites at once after logging in. Total Page Views show the general interest in the content on the sites and how deeply users browse the sites.

Detailed analysis of this data allows them to better understand each airline’s digital strategies and make improvements in specific areas to improve user experience. In particular, understanding which content attracts more attention, how long visitors spend on sites, and which pages experience more interaction can help airline companies manage their digital assets more effectively. This table stands out as a critical tool for the airline industry to achieve success in competitive conditions in the digital arena.

When Table 4 is examined, the site with the most monthly visits is; A total of 22.13 million visitors come to this site monthly. Again,’s site is the leader compared to other airline companies with 150 million page views. This site is followed by’s site with a very slight difference. The airline with the highest average visit time is The company with the

Table 4. Visit and interaction analysis of websites.

Source: SimilarWeb.

highest average number of pages viewed per visit is with 9 pages. Considering the bounce rates, the site where visitors stay the most is has the highest number of total visitors daily. This site also has the highest number of views with 2.61 million dailies. The site with the highest average number of pages per visitor is with 9 pages.

3.5. Evaluation of Social Media Channels

Today, social media channels, which play a significant role in digital communication and interaction, have become a key factor in increasing the global visibility of individuals, brands and institutions. With the increasing influence of social media, transforming forms of communication and bringing communities together, it is important to effectively manage and evaluate these platforms. Table 5 shows the subscriber numbers of airline companies awarded 5 stars by Skytrax on some of the world’s leading social media channels.

When Table 5 is analysed, the airline company with the highest number of subscribers on the YouTube platform is Qatar Airways. This company has 625 posts on the YouTube platform. Qatar Airways is also the airline that keeps its YouTube platform the most up to date.

It is noteworthy that ANA Airways is the leader in this field with 655 video shares on the YouTube platform, while it has only 136 thousand subscribers. Another interesting fact is that Hainan Airlines last posted a video on YouTube 4 years ago. In addition, the YouTube channels of Japan Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, and EVA Air seem to be less up to date.

Table 5. Number of subscribers on social media channels of airline companies.

Qatar Airlines has by far the most subscribers on Facebook. Qatar Airways has up-to-date content here too. Asiana has the fewest subscribers on Facebook. Airlines have. Asiana The number of shares shared by Airlines is also low. It is seen that all companies share more actively on Facebook than on YouTube.

Qatar Airways’ Instagram content is quite up to date. EVA Airways and Hainan Airways have the fewest followers on Instagram.

Garuda Indonesia Airlines has the most followers on X. EVA Airways and Hainan Airways have the fewest followers on X, as on Instagram.

3.6. Review of Mobile Application Experience

In today’s world where mobile technology is rapidly evolving, one of the factors that decide users’ interaction with the digital world is the mobile application experience. The mobile app experience is affected by several factors, from ease of navigation within the app to quick access, and these factors are critical for app developers.

The mobile application experience of airline companies awarded 5 stars by Skytrax is a critical element that determines customer satisfaction and travel experience. Mobile application strategies of airline companies are critical to help the travel process and offer users a special experience. It is important to understand how the mobile application experience contributes to the digital success of companies in the airline industry and to find improvement potential in this area.

Mobile applications of airlines awarded with 5 stars by Skytrax are available on both App Store and Google Play platforms. The main purpose of these applications is to sell tickets just like the websites of the companies.

Singapore Airlines and Qatar Airways’ practices can be considered detailed. Also, ANA Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airlines, EVA Airways and Garuda Indonesia in addition to selling tickets, Airline’s mobile applications provide various information, especially about the destinations.

When the practices of Korea Airlines, Asiana Airlines, Hainan Airlines and Japan Airlines are analysed, it is seen that they focus on ticket sales.

4. Conclusion

A quality and reliable website and mobile application experience is an indispensable element of the airline industry. Not only airlines that have received 5 stars from Skytrax, but all airline companies should attach great importance to mobile applications that provide detailed flight information, ticket purchasing features and information about the destinations they serve. Such approaches not only enhance the customer experience, but also prove the airline’s commitment to providing a smooth and comfortable travelling experience.

The use of websites and mobile applications in the airline industry should not only be for ticket sales. Because airline companies’ websites and mobile applications serve as a capable platform to provide more effective service to their customers and interact with them. For example, airline companies can use their mobile applications to inform their customers throughout their journeys, inform them of real-time updates and deliver personalised notifications. Providing the customer with a user-friendly interface and useful features can streamline airlines’ operations. Another benefit of these applications is that they can reduce the burden on airlines’ customer service teams. The ability of mobile apps to provide real-time updates and notifications can reduce the number of queries and calls to the airline’s customer service centre, allowing employees to focus on more complex issues.

As in all businesses, the main aims of airline companies are to protect their existing customers and to obtain new customers. Websites make a great contribution to businesses in obtaining new customers or protecting existing customers. A well-prepared website plays a key role in making customers fully believe in the business.

The websites of 10 airlines awarded 5 stars by Skytrax were examined by a group of 3 experts according to 10 factors consisting of “ topicality”, “information richness”, “customer relations”, “foreign language options”, “product catalogue”, “visual appeal (design)”, “ease of use”, “special mission or website purposes”, “content” and “perceptual openness “. Each expert gave each airline Web site a score between 1-10 for each criterion. The first decision matrix was formed by averaging the values formed because of the experts’ examination of the Web sites of the airline companies. As a result of the evaluation, it was understood that the most effective Web site among 10 airline companies was Qatar Airways. So, Qatar Airways received 77 points, Cathay Pacific Airways 75 points and EVA Air 65 points, which are the top 3 airline companies. Japan Airlines scored 52 points, ANA scored 51 points and Korean Air scored 50 points, making them the lowest 3 airline companies. The ranking of airline companies is as follows; “Qatar Airways > Cathay Pacific > EVA Air > Singapore Air > Hainan Airlines > Garuda-Indonesia > Fly Asiana > Jal Air > All Nippon Airways > Korean Air”.

As a result of this analysis, Hainan Airlines, Garuda-Indonesia, Fly Asiana, Jal Air, All Nippon Airways and Korean Air, which are below average, should review their websites and make them more effective.

¾ Jal Air, which received 52 points, should develop business policies to enrich the content of information richness, content and perceptual clarity,

¾ All Nippon Airways, which received 51 points; Developing business policies to enrich the content of the product catalogue and timeliness,

¾ With a score of 50, Korean Air needs to develop business policies to enrich its product catalogue and visual appeal (design) content.

The benefits of a well-designed and user-friendly website and mobile app are not limited to customers. Airlines can also receive help from the increased efficiency and cost savings of a digital-first approach. With better-crafted websites, airlines can streamline their operations by providing better quality service and information to their customers. They can also reduce the need for physical resources such as printed tickets or boarding passes. This will contribute to environmental protection and sustainability. On the other hand, airline companies that have not received any award by Skytrax can also evaluate and improve their Web sites according to the criteria set out in this research.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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